the ULTIMATE GenXperience
podcast with your hosts
Kennedy Rizzo & Cooper Lee
Everyone's favorite 80s talking car...
Or may be you need a little cheer, from a group of bears, who wear their ♥️'s on their plushie keisters, and live in the land of Care-A-Lot.
Did someone say something about having cheesecake on the lanai, in Miami or was it back in St. Olaf??
Open Sans
Noto Sans
Bebas Neue
Great Vibes
Rock Salt
Indie Flower
Roboto Slab
Noto Serif
Open Sans
Come along with Kennedy Rizzo and Cooper Lee, as we take a fascinating jaunt through our orchard of nostalgia.
Where sweet top “picks” of the 70’s & 80’s are a plenty, and every nostalgic tree is ripe with a sweet treat to suit your fancy.
Our listeners want to hear about what’s going on in the Retro Orchard. We enjoy providing a caramelicious perspective with our weekly podcast. Tune in to learn what we’re all about. Come experience a retro trek with us!
It is nice to listen to something wholesome in the way of entertainment currently. Listening to some of the “retro” subjects from times past is quite refreshing. Well done, and keep ‘em coming Caramel Apples!!
These two ladies bring you back to a time when it was care free and easy going. Things were better: music, tv shows, movies, toys, etc. It is refreshing and fun to listen to this podcast brings back great memories. Keep up the great work on the orchard.
-Johhny werthers
You ladies are cracking me up!!! I absolutely loved the New Kids and had no idea the history behind them- I just knew they were the dream band of my era. Absolutely love your show and can’t wait to listen to them all.
-Bug listener